#!/bin/sh # Copyright, 2012 Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@ubuntu.com> # Copyright, 2012 Scott Moser <smoser@ubuntu.com> # Copyright, 2012 Axel Heider # # Based on scripts from # Sebastian P. # Nicholas A. Schembri State College PA USA # Axel Heider # Dustin Kirkland # Scott Moser # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. case "$1" in # no pre-reqs prereqs) echo ""; exit 0;; esac . /scripts/functions PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin MYTAG="overlayroot" TEMP_D="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.configs" VARIABLES="overlayroot overlayroot_cfgdisk" # generic settings # ${ROOT} and ${rootmnt} are predefined by caller of this script. Note that # the root fs ${rootmnt} it mounted readonly on the initrams, which fits # nicely for our purposes. root_rw=/media/root-rw root_ro=/media/root-ro ROOTMNT=${rootmnt} # use global name to indicate created outside this OVERLAYROOT_DEBUG=0 # PERSIST_DIR will persist after pivot-root. It is used for log file # and for the mktemp-made password file in crypt. PERSIST_DIR=/run/initramfs if [ ! -d "$PERSIST_DIR" -a -d /dev/.initramfs ]; then PERSIST_DIR="/dev/.initramfs" fi if [ ! -d "$PERSIST_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$PERSIST_DIR" || echo "WARNING: $MYTAG: failed to create ${PERSIST_DIR}" 1>&2 fi LOG_FILE="${PERSIST_DIR}/${MYTAG}.log" log() { "log_${1}_msg" "$MYTAG: $2"; _debug "[$1]:" "$2" } log_fail() { log failure "$*"; } log_success() { log success "$*"; } log_warn() { log warning "$*"; } fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || log_fail "$@"; exit 0; # why do we exit success? } cleanup() { [ -d "${TEMP_D}" ] && rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}" } debug() { _debug "$@" [ "${OVERLAYROOT_DEBUG:-0}" = "0" ] && return echo "$MYTAG:" "$@" } _debug() { if [ "${DEBUG_BUSTED:-0}" ]; then { echo "$@" >> "$LOG_FILE"; } 2>/dev/null || { DEBUG_BUSTED=1; log_warn "debug is busted"; } fi } safe_string() { local prev="$1" allowed="$2" cur="" [ -n "$prev" ] || return 1 while cur="${prev#[${allowed}]}"; do [ -z "$cur" ] && return 0 [ "$cur" = "$prev" ] && break prev="$cur" done return 1 } parse_string() { # parse a key/value string like: # name=mapper,pass=foo,fstype=ext4,mkfs=1 # set variables under namespace 'ns'. # _RET_name=mapper # _RET_pass=foo # _RET_fstype=ext4 # set _RET to the list of variables found local input="${1}" delim="${2:-,}" ns="${3:-_RET_}" local oifs="$IFS" tok="" keys="" key="" val="" set -f; IFS="$delim"; set -- $input; IFS="$oifs"; set +f; _RET="" for tok in "$@"; do key="${tok%%=*}" val="${tok#${key}}" val=${val#=} safe_string "$key" "0-9a-zA-Z_" || { debug "$key not a safe variable name"; return 1; } eval "${ns}${key}"='${val}' || return 1 keys="${keys} ${ns}${key}" done _RET=${keys# } return } get_varval() { eval _RET='${'$1'}'; } write_kernel_cmdline_cfg() { local cfg="$1" desc="${2:-kernel cmdline}" local cmdline="" var="" read cmdline < /proc/cmdline || return 1 : > "${cfg}" || return set -f { echo "desc='${desc}'" for tok in $cmdline; do for var in $VARIABLES; do if [ "$tok" = "$var" ]; then log_warn "kernel param without value '${tok}'"; continue; elif [ "${tok}" = "${var}=" ]; then echo "${var}=''"; elif [ "${tok#${var}=}" != "${tok}" ]; then echo "${var}='${tok#${var}=}'" fi done done } >> "$cfg" set +f } wait_for_dev() { local dev="$1" timeout="${2:-0}" [ -b "$dev" ] && return 0 [ "$timeout" = "0" ] && return 1 # wait-for-root writes fstype to stdout, redirect to null wait-for-root "$dev" "$timeout" >/dev/null } crypto_setup() { local fstype="ext4" pass="" mapname="secure" mkfs="1" dev="" local timeout=0 local entropy_sources="/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid /dev/urandom" local seed="" rootseed="$ROOTMNT/var/lib/urandom/random-seed" if [ ! -f "$rootseed" -a -f "$ROOTMNT/var/lib/systemd/random-seed" ]; then rootseed="$ROOTMNT/var/lib/systemd/random-seed" fi # Seed the psuedo random number generator with available seeds for seed in "/.random-seed" "$rootseed"; do [ -f "${seed}" ] || { debug "missing rng seed [${seed}]"; continue; } cat "${seed}" > /dev/urandom || debug "failed seeding /dev/urandom from $seed" done # this does necessary crypto setup and sets _RET # to the appropriate block device (ie /dev/mapper/secure) # mkfs (default is 1): # 0: never create filesystem # 1: if pass is given and mount fails, create a new one # if no pass given, create new # 2: if pass is given and mount fails, fail # if no pass given, create new local options="$1" parse_string "${options}" || { log_fail "failed parsing '${options}'"; return 1; } fstype=${_RET_fstype:-${fstype}} pass=${_RET_pass:-${pass}} mapname=${_RET_mapname:-${mapname}} mkfs=${_RET_mkfs:-${mkfs}} dev=${_RET_dev:-${dev}} timeout=${_RET_timeout:-${timeout}} [ -n "$dev" ] || { log_fail "dev= argument not provided in '${options}'"; return 1; } short2dev "$dev" || { log_fail "failed to convert $dev to a device"; return 1; } dev="${_RET}" debug "fstype=${fstype} pass=${pass} mapname=${mapname}" debug "mkfs=${mkfs} dev=${dev} timeout=${timeout}" wait_for_dev "$dev" "$timeout" || { log_fail "crypt dev device $dev does not exist after ${timeout}s"; return 1; } if [ -n "$pass" ]; then printf "%s" "$pass" | cryptsetup luksOpen "$dev" "$mapname" --key-file - if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local tdev="/dev/mapper/$mapname" log_warn "reusing existing luks device at $dev" wait_for_dev "$tdev" 20 || { log_fail "$tdev did not appear"; return 1; } _RET_DEVICE="/dev/mapper/$mapname" return 0 fi if [ "$mkfs" != "1" ]; then log_fail "luksOpen failed on $dev with mkfs=$mkfs"; return 1; fi log_warn "re-opening $dev failed with mkfs=$mkfs will create new" else [ "$mkfs" = "0" ] && { log_fail "mkfs=0, but no password provided"; return 1; } entropy_sources="$entropy_sources $dev" local tmpf="" pass_file="${PERSIST_DIR}/${MYTAG}.passwd" tmpf=$(mktemp "${PERSIST_DIR}/${MYTAG}.XXXXXX") || { log_fail "failed creation of password file"; return 1; } stat -L /dev/* /proc/* /sys/* >"$tmpf" 2>&1 || { log_warn "could not seed with stat entropy [$entropy_sources]"; } head -c 4096 $entropy_sources >> "$tmpf" || { log_fail "failed reading entropy [$entropy_sources]"; return 1; } pass=$(sha512sum "$tmpf") || { log_fail "failed generation of password"; return 1; } pass=${pass%% *} printf "%s" "${pass}" > "$tmpf" || { log_fail "failed to record password to '$tmpf'"; return 1; } mv "$tmpf" "${pass_file}" || { log_fail "failed rename '$tmpf' to '${pass_file}'"; return 1; } log_debug "stored password in ${pass_file}" fi log_warn "setting up new luks device at $dev" # clear backing device wipefs -a "$dev" || { log_fail "failed to wipe $dev"; return 1; } printf "%s" "$pass" | cryptsetup luksFormat "$dev" --key-file - || { log_fail "luksFormat $dev failed"; return 1; } printf "%s" "$pass" | cryptsetup luksOpen "$dev" "$mapname" --key-file - || { log_fail "luksOpen $dev failed"; return 1; } mke2fs -t "${fstype}" "/dev/mapper/${mapname}" || { log_fail "failed to mkfs -t $fstype on map $mapname"; return 1; } _RET_DEVICE="/dev/mapper/$mapname" return 0 } dev_setup() { local options="$1" dev="" timeout=0 path="/" # options supported: # dev=device,timeout=X,path=/ parse_string "${options}" || { log_fail "failed parsing '${options}'"; return 1; } dev=${_RET_dev:-${dev}} timeout=${_RET_timeout:-${timeout}} [ -n "$dev" ] || { log_fail "dev= argument not provided in '${options}'"; return 1; } short2dev "$dev" || { log_fail "failed to convert $dev to a device"; return 1; } dev="${_RET}" debug "dev=${dev} timeout=${timeout}" wait_for_dev "$dev" "$timeout" _RET_DEVICE="$dev" } clean_path() { # remove '//' in a path. local p="$1" tmp="" while [ "${p#*//}" != "$p" ]; do tmp=${p#*//} p="${p%%//*}/${tmp}" done _RET="$p" } get_workdir() { local root_rw="$1" dir_prefix="$2" file="$3" file=${file%/} if [ "$file" = "/" -o "$file" = "" ]; then file="_" fi clean_path "${root_rw}/${dir_prefix%/}-workdir/${file}" } gen_fstab() { # gen_fstab(mp) - generate a fabricated /etc/fstab for mount point $mp local mp="$1" m_spec="" m_opts="" m_fstype="" local spec file vfstype opts pass freq # just remove any trailing / [ "$mp" != "/" ] && mp=${mp%/} while read spec file vfstype opts pass freq; do [ "$file" = "$mp" ] && { m_spec="$spec" m_opts="$opts" m_fstype="$vfstype" break } done </proc/mounts [ -z "$m_spec" ] && { log_warn "did not find root mount point $mp in /proc/mounts" m_opts="/dev/root" m_opts="defaults" m_fstype="auto" } echo "# fabricated by overlayroot, rootfs did not contain /etc/fstab" echo "${m_spec} / ${m_fstype} ${m_opts} 0 0 " } overlayrootify_fstab() { # overlayrootify_fstab(input, root_ro, root_rw, dir_prefix, recurse, swap) # read input fstab file, write an overlayroot version to stdout # also returns (_RET) a list of directories that will need to be made local input="$1" root_ro="${2:-/media/root-ro}" local root_rw="${3:-/media/root-rw}" dir_prefix="${4:-/}" local recurse=${5:-1} swap=${6:-0} fstype=${7:-overlayfs} local hash="#" oline="" ospec="" upper="" dirs="" copy_opts="" copy_opt="" local spec file vfstype opts pass freq line ro_line local workdir="" use_orig="" relfile="" needs_workdir=false noauto="" [ -f "$input" ] || return 1 cat <<EOF # # This fstab is for overlayroot. The real one can be found at # ${root_ro}/etc/fstab # The original entry for '/' and other mounts have been updated to be placed # under $root_ro. # To permanently modify this (or any other file), you should change-root into # a writable view of the underlying filesystem using: # sudo overlayroot-chroot # EOF needs_workdir && needs_workdir=true || needs_workdir=false while read spec file vfstype opts pass freq; do [ "$file" = "/" ] && noauto="noauto" || noauto="" line="$spec $file $vfstype $opts $pass $freq" case ",$opts," in *,ro,*) ro_opts="$opts";; *) ro_opts="ro,${opts}";; esac ro_line="$spec ${root_ro}$file $vfstype" ro_line="${ro_line} ${ro_opts}${noauto:+,${noauto}} $pass $freq" use_orig="" if [ "${spec#${hash}}" != "$spec" ]; then use_orig="comment" elif [ -z "$freq" ]; then use_orig="malformed-line" else case "$vfstype" in vfat|fat) use_orig="fs-unsupported";; proc|sys|tmpfs|dev|udev|debugfs) use_orig="fs-virtual";; esac fi if [ -n "$use_orig" ]; then if [ "$use_orig" != "comment" ]; then echo "$line # $MYTAG:$use_orig" else echo "$line" fi elif [ "$vfstype" = "swap" ]; then if [ "$swap" = "0" ]; then # comment out swap lines echo "#$MYTAG:swap=${swap}#${line}" elif [ "${spec#/}" != "${spec}" ] && [ "${spec#/dev/}" = "${spec}" ]; then # comment out swap files (spec starts with / and not in /dev) echo "#$MYTAG:swapfile#${line}" else echo "${line}" fi else ospec="${root_ro}${file}" copy_opts="" for copy_opt in nobootwait noauto nofail; do case ",$opts," in *,${copy_opt},*) copy_opts="${copy_opts},${copy_opt}";; esac done clean_path "${root_rw}/${dir_prefix}${file}" upper="$_RET" oline="${ospec} ${file} $fstype " clean_path "${root_ro}${file}" oline="${oline}lowerdir=$_RET" oline="${oline},upperdir=${upper}${copy_opts}" if [ "$fstype" = "overlayfs" -o "$fstype" = "overlay" ] && ${needs_workdir}; then get_workdir "$root_rw" "$dir_prefix" "$file" workdir="$_RET" oline="${oline},workdir=$workdir" dirs="${dirs} $workdir" fi oline="${oline} $pass $freq" if [ "$recurse" != "0" -o "$file" = "/" ]; then if [ "$file" = "/" ]; then # this can confuse systemd (LP: #1723183) echo "#$ro_line" else echo "$ro_line" fi echo "$oline" dirs="${dirs} ${upper}" else echo "$line" fi fi done < "$input" _RET=${dirs# } } short2dev() { # turn 'LABEL=' or 'UUID=' into a device path # also support /dev/* and 'vdb' or 'xvda' local input="$1" oifs="$IFS" dev newdev s case "$input" in LABEL=*) dev="${input#LABEL=}" case "${dev}" in */*) dev="$(echo "${dev}" | sed 's,/,\\x2f,g')";; esac dev="/dev/disk/by-label/${dev}" ;; UUID=*) dev="/dev/disk/by-uuid/${input#UUID=}" ;; /dev/*) dev="${input}";; *) dev="/dev/${input}";; esac _RET=$dev } get_cfg() { # get_cfg(device, file, cfg, timeout=0) # copy the file $cfg off $device to $file, waiting $timeout for # $device to appear local dev="$1" file="$2" cfg="${3:-overlayroot.conf}" timeout="${4:-0}" local cfgdev="" success=0 didmnt=false mp="" pre="get_cfg($dev):" [ -z "$dev" ] && return 1 if [ "$timeout" != "0" ]; then wait_for_dev "$dev" "$timeout" || { debug "$pre did not appear in $timeout"; return 1; } else udevadm settle fi short2dev "$dev" && cfgdev="$_RET" && [ -b "$cfgdev" ] || { debug "$pre not present"; return 1; } if mp="${TEMP_D}/mp" && mkdir "$mp" && mount -o ro "$cfgdev" "$mp"; then if [ -f "$mp/$cfg" ]; then cp "$mp/$cfg" "$file" && success=1 || debug "$pre copy failed" else debug "$pre '$file' file not found" fi umount "$mp" else debug "$pre mount failed" fi [ -d "$mp" ] || rmdir "$mp" [ $success -eq 1 ] || return 1 _RET="$dev/$cfg" } parse_cfg() { # parse_cfg($file,$desc,$vars) # this reasonably safely sources the "config" file $file # and then declares the variables listed to stdout # # known issues: # * sourced file could re-define 'echo' # * just fails if a value has a ' in it [ -f "$1" ] || return 0 tick="'" sh -c ' __tick=$tick __file=$1; __desc=$2; __unset__="__unset__" shift 2 __vars="$*" readonly __tick __file __desc __vars . "${__file}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "failed source \"${__file}\" ($__desc)" 1>&2 return 1 fi set -e echo "desc=${__tick}${__desc}${__tick}" for var in ${__vars}; do eval val=\${${var}-${__unset__}} || { echo "eval of $var failed"; exit 1; } [ "${val#*${__tick}}" = "${val}" ] || { echo "variable \"$var\" had single tick in it. fail"; exit 1; } [ "${val}" = "${__unset__}" ] || echo "$var=${__tick}${val}${__tick}" done ' -- "$@" } readcfgd() { local cfg_d="$1" # this kind of stinks, each VARIABLE goes into global scope local or="" or_cfgdisk="" _RET_desc_oroot="" _RET_desc_cfgdisk="" set +f for f in "${cfg_d}"/*; do . "$f" || fail "failed reading $f" [ "$or" != "${overlayroot}" ] && _RET_desc_oroot="$desc" [ "${or_cfgdisk}" != "${overlayroot_cfgdisk}" ] && _RET_desc_cfgdisk="$desc" or=${overlayroot} or_cfgdisk=${overlayroot_cfgdisk} done set -f } fix_upstart_overlayfs() { # inotify events on an overlayfs underlay do not propogate through # a newly created overlay. This causes job creation and deletion issues # for upstart, which uses inotify on /etc/init. So ensure that the overlay # explicitly has a /etc/init (LP: #1213925) local root="$1" local initctl="$root/sbin/initctl" local eifile="/etc/init/.overlayfs-upstart-helper" [ -e "$initctl" -o -L "$initctl" ] || return 0 [ -d "$root/etc/init" ] || return 0 echo "#upstart needs help for overlayfs (LP: #1213925)." \ > "$root/$eifile" || { log_fail "failed to write $root/$eifile"; return 1; } debug "created $eifile under $root (LP: #1213925)" } needs_workdir() { local uname_r="${UNAME_R}" if [ -z "$uname_r" ]; then uname_r=$(uname -r) && UNAME_R="$uname_r" || { log_warn "failed to read uname!"; return 2; } fi # 3.18+ require 'workdir=' option. case "${uname_r}" in 2*|3.1[01234567]*|3.[0-9].*) return 1;; *) return 0;; esac } search_fs_driver() { # search_fs_driver(driver1, driver2...) # return the first supported filesystem driver in the list. # if no drivers are provided, search default list. # assumes that name in /proc/filesystems and module name are the same. local m="" driver="" tab=' ' for m in "$@"; do grep -q "${tab}$m$" /proc/filesystems && driver="$m" && { debug "/proc/filesystems support for '$m'"; break; } done if [ -z "$driver" ]; then for m in "$@"; do if modprobe -qb "$m"; then if grep -q "${tab}$m$" /proc/filesystems; then debug "loaded module '$m'"; driver="$m" break; else log_warn "loaded '$m' module but no '$m' in /proc/filesystems" fi fi done fi [ -n "$driver" ] || { debug "Unable to find driver/module. searched: $*"; return 1; } _RET="$driver" } cfgd="${TEMP_D}/configs" mkdir -p "${cfgd}" || fail "failed to create tempdir" trap cleanup EXIT # collect the different config locations into a file # write individual config files in $cfgd that contain { echo "desc='builtin'" echo "overlayroot=''" echo "overlayroot_cfgdisk='disabled'" } > "$cfgd/00-builtin" write_kernel_cmdline_cfg "${cfgd}/90-kernel" || fail "failed to read kernel command line!" parse_cfg "/conf/conf.d/overlayroot" "initramfs config" \ "$VARIABLES" > "${cfgd}/10-initramfs" || fail "failed parsing initramfs config" parse_cfg "${ROOTMNT}/etc/overlayroot.conf" "$ROOT/etc/overlayroot.conf" \ "$VARIABLES" > "${cfgd}/20-root-config" || fail "failed parsing root config" parse_cfg "${ROOTMNT}/etc/overlayroot.local.conf" \ "$ROOT/etc/overlayroot.local.conf" \ "$VARIABLES" > "${cfgd}/30-root-local-config" || fail "failed parsing root config" # now read the trusted configs, to see if overlayroot_cfgdisk is set readcfgd "$cfgd" || fail "reading configs failed" used_desc="${_RET_desc_oroot}" [ -n "${_RET_desc_cfgdisk}" ] && debug "${_RET_desc_cfgdisk} set cfgdisk='${overlayroot_cfgdisk}'" # if one of the trusted configs above gave us set the overlayroot_cfgdisk # variable, then look for such a device and read a config from it. cfgdisk=0 if [ "${overlayroot_cfgdisk:-disabled}" != "disabled" ] && get_cfg "${overlayroot_cfgdisk}" "${TEMP_D}/cfgdisk"; then desc=${_RET} parse_cfg "${TEMP_D}/cfgdisk" "${desc}" "$VARIABLES" \ > "${cfgd}/80-cfgdisk" || fail "reading config from ${desc} failed" used_desc="${_RET_desc_oroot}" # now read the parsed configs again. readcfgd "$cfgd" || fail "reading configs failed" [ -n "${_RET_desc_cfgdisk}" ] && debug "${_RET_desc_cfgdisk} set cfgdisk=${overlayroot_cfgdisk}" [ -n "${_RET_desc_oroot}" ] && debug "${_RET_desc_oroot} set overlayroot=${overlayroot}" fi opts="" cfgmsg="${used_desc:+ (per ${used_desc})}" case "${overlayroot:-disabled}" in tmpfs|tmpfs:*) mode="tmpfs" opts="${overlayroot#tmpfs}"; opts=${opts#:} ;; /dev/*|device:*) case "$overlayroot" in /dev/*) opts="dev=${overlayroot}";; *) opts="${overlayroot#device:}";; esac dev_setup "${opts}" || fail "failed setup overlay for ${overlayroot} [$opts]${cfgmsg}" mode="device" device="$_RET_DEVICE" ;; crypt:*) mode="crypt" opts=${overlayroot#crypt:} crypto_setup "${opts}" || fail "failed setup crypt for ${overlayroot}${cfgmsg}" device="$_RET_DEVICE" ;; disabled) debug "overlayroot disabled${cfgmsg}" exit 0;; *) fail "invalid value for overlayroot: ${overlayroot}${cfgmsg}" exit 0;; esac parse_string "$opts" "," _RET_common_ swap=${_RET_common_swap:-0} recurse=${_RET_common_recurse:-1} OVERLAYROOT_DEBUG=${_RET_common_debug:-${OVERLAYROOT_DEBUG}} dir_prefix=${_RET_common_dir:-"/overlay"} overlayroot_driver=${_RET_common_driver} read cmdline </proc/cmdline cmdline=" $cmdline " [ "${cmdline#* ro }" != "$cmdline" ] && cmdline_ro=true || cmdline_ro=false if [ "${overlayroot_driver:-auto}" = "auto" ]; then search_fs_driver overlay overlayfs || fail "Unable to find a driver. searched: overlay overlayfs" overlayroot_driver="$_RET" else search_fs_driver ${overlayroot_driver} || fail "Unable to find a driver named '${overlayroot_driver}'" overlayroot_driver="$_RET" fi debug "swap=$swap recurse=$recurse debug=$OVERLAYROOT_DEBUG dir=$dir_prefix" debug "device=$device mode=$mode driver=${overlayroot_driver}" [ "$swap" = "0" -o "$swap" = "1" ] || fail "invalid setting for swap: $swap. must be '0' or '1'" [ "$recurse" = "0" -o "$recurse" = "1" ] || fail "invalid setting for recurse: $recurse. must be '0' or '1'" log_warn "configuring overlayroot with driver=${overlayroot_driver} mode=$mode opts='$opts' per $used_desc" # settings based on overlayroot_driver workdir="" case "${overlayroot_driver}" in overlayfs|overlay) mount_type="${overlayroot_driver}" mount_opts="-o lowerdir=${root_ro},upperdir=${root_rw}/${dir_prefix}" if needs_workdir; then get_workdir "$root_rw" "$dir_prefix" "/" workdir="$_RET" mount_opts="${mount_opts},workdir=$workdir" fi clean_path "${mount_opts} overlayroot ${ROOTMNT}" mount_opts="$_RET" ;; aufs) mount_type="aufs" mount_opts="-o dirs=${root_rw}/${dir_prefix}:${root_ro}=ro aufs-root ${ROOTMNT}" ;; *) log_fail "invalid overlayroot driver: ${overlayroot_driver}" panic "$MYTAG" ;; esac # make the mount point on the init root fs ${root_rw} mkdir -p "${root_rw}" || fail "failed to create ${root_rw}" # make the mount point on the init root fs ${root_ro} mkdir -p "${root_ro}" || fail "failed to create ${root_ro}" # mount the backing device to $root_rw if [ "$mode" = "tmpfs" ]; then # mount a tmpfs using the device name tmpfs-root mount -t tmpfs tmpfs-root "${root_rw}" || fail "failed to create tmpfs" else # dev or crypto mount "$device" "${root_rw}" || fail "failed mount backing device $device" fi mkdir -p "${root_rw}/${dir_prefix}" || fail "failed to create ${dir_prefix} on ${device}" [ -z "$workdir" ] || mkdir -p "$workdir" || fail "failed to create workdir '$workdir' on ${device}" # root is mounted on ${ROOTMNT}, move it to ${ROOT_RO}. mount --move "${ROOTMNT}" "${root_ro}" || fail "failed to move root away from ${ROOTMNT} to ${root_ro}" # there is nothing left at ${ROOTMNT} now. So for any error we get we should # either do recovery to restore ${ROOTMNT} for drop to a initramfs shell using # "panic". Otherwise the boot process is very likely to fail with even more # errors and leave the system in a wired state. # mount virtual fs ${ROOTMNT} with rw-fs ${root_rw} on top or ro-fs ${root_ro}. debug mount -t "$mount_type" $mount_opts mount -t "$mount_type" $mount_opts if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log_fail "failed to create new ro/rw layered ${ROOTMNT}" log_fail "mount command was: mount -t $mount_type $mount_opts" # do recovery and try restoring the mount for ${ROOTMNT} mount --move ${root_ro} ${ROOTMNT} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # thats bad, drop to shell to let the user try fixing this log_fail "RECOVERY_ERROR: failed to move $root_ro back to ${ROOTMNT}" panic "$MYTAG" fi exit 0 fi # now the real root fs is on ${root_ro} of the init file system, our # layered root fs is set up at ${ROOTMNT}. So we can write anywhere in # {ROOTMNT} and the changes will end up in ${root_rw} while ${root_ro} it # not touched. However ${root_ro} and ${root_rw} are on the initramfs root # fs, which will be removed an replaced by ${ROOTMNT}. Thus we must move # ${root_ro} and ${root_rw} to the rootfs visible later, ie. # ${ROOTMNT}${root_ro} and ${ROOTMNT}${root_ro}. Since the layered ro/rw # is already up, these changes also end up on ${root_rw} while ${root_ro} # is not touched. # move mount from ${root_ro} to ${ROOTMNT}${root_ro} mkdir -p "${ROOTMNT}/${root_ro}" mount --move ${root_ro} "${ROOTMNT}${root_ro}" || fail "failed to move ${root_ro} to ${ROOTMNT}${root_ro}" # move mount from ${root_rw} to ${ROOTMNT}${root_rw} [ -d ${ROOTMNT}${root_rw} ] || mkdir -p ${ROOTMNT}${root_rw} mount --move "${root_rw}" "${ROOTMNT}${root_rw}" || fail "failed to move ${root_rw} to ${ROOTMNT}${root_rw}" # technically, everything is set up nicely now. Since ${ROOTMNT} had beend # mounted read-only on the initfamfs already, ${ROOTMNT}${root_ro} is it, # too. Now we init process could run - but unfortunately, we may have to # prepare some more things here. # Basically, there are two ways to deal with the read-only root fs. If the # system is made aware of this, things can be simplified a lot. If it is # not, things need to be done to our best knowledge. # # So we assume here, the system does not really know about our read-only # root fs. # # Let's deal with /etc/fstab first. It usually contains an entry for the # root fs, which is no longer valid now. We have to remove it and add our # new ${root_ro} entry. # Remember we are still on the initramfs root fs here, so we have to work # on ${ROOTMNT}/etc/fstab. The original fstab is # ${ROOTMNT}${root_ro}/etc/fstab. source_fstab="$ROOTMNT/${root_ro}/etc/fstab" if [ ! -f "$source_fstab" ] && [ "$cmdline_ro" = "true" ]; then debug "rootfs did not contain /etc/fstab, creating" \ "based on kernel cmdline" source_fstab="${TEMP_D}/fstab" gen_fstab "${ROOTMNT}${root_ro}" > "$source_fstab" || log_fail "gen_fstab failed for $ROOTMNT/$root_ro" fi if [ -f "$source_fstab" ]; then overlayrootify_fstab "$source_fstab" "$root_ro" \ "$root_rw" "$dir_prefix" "$recurse" "$swap" "${overlayroot_driver}" \ > "${ROOTMNT}/etc/fstab" || log_fail "failed to modify /etc/fstab" else debug "rootfs did not contain /etc/fstab." fi # we have to make the directories in ${root_rw} because if they do not # exist, then the 'upper=' argument to overlayfs will fail. for d in ${_RET}; do mkdir -p "${ROOTMNT}/$d" done if [ "${overlayroot_driver}" = "overlayfs" ]; then fix_upstart_overlayfs "$ROOTMNT" || log_fail "failed to fix upstart for overlayfs" fi # if / is supposed to be mounted read-only (cmdline with 'ro') # then mount our overlayfs as read-only just to be more normal if [ "${cmdline_ro}" = "true" ]; then mount -o remount,ro "$ROOTMNT" || log_fail "failed to remount overlayroot read-only" debug "mounted $ROOTMNT read-only per kernel cmdline" fi msg="configured root with '$overlayroot' using ${overlayroot_driver} per" msg="$msg ${used_desc}" log_success "$msg" exit 0 # vi: ts=4 noexpandtab